For the past two years, most public schools in the U.S. have provided free meals to all students regardless of income. But as of, June 30th of this year, that federal pandemic relief program has ended. With the start of the new school year, eligible students will need to enroll in free or reduced-price lunch programs, and others will go back to having to pay full price for breakfast or lunch at school.
For parents with children in public schools around the country, the waivers have been a lifeline over the past two years, particularly as inflation outpaces salary growth and continues to drive up the price of food.
Sadly, many parents who likely won’t meet the income requirements to qualify for meal benefits will still struggle to feed their children as prices continue to rise. If you are looking for more information or ideas on how to serve affordable, seasonal and nutritious meals from home, check out the lunchbox menu week 1, lunchbox menu week 2 or lunchbox menu week 3.